Monday, January 25, 2010


This will be just an update on my life, since I have like 10 mins before I go to bed might as well unwind by sipping some nighttime tea and writing in my blog that I've neglected for a bit now.

Classes are picking up pace now, well more like I'm slowly coming out of my denial that they have started. I made a schedule of my february, yeah it's going to be rough. Weeks are generally really busy, and most of the time I head to bed at 11 because I want to be alert for my labs at 7:45 since accuracy matters. Work sucks, nothing is working out the way it should be, or just working out period. I am nervous, and am probably going to up my hours in the lab...I'm sure my boss will be pleased. I like all of my classes though, even analytical chem I suppose. My to do list is exponentially growing, I need a bigger white board :\ Overall I am busy, and I like it, it's okay to be busy in a good way.

So yes that's it, it's a short post compared to others but it's almost 11 so i'm going to cut myself off..until next time...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Funny things about guys

So today at work I had issues opening a jar that contained the wash buffer I needed, so first thought, ask a guy in the lab, seeing as there are plenty. Well I found a guy and asked him to open it, he looked at me like I was a damsel in distress, with that smile on his face like yes I would love to show off my manliness, well he struggled. Then he tried to tap it with a metal thing and tried again, no luck...we had to use a wrench to open the jar finally but he did. At the end of all of his efforts, for which I'm extremely thankful, he says "phew thank god I got that open I was starting to feel like a wuss". This is when it occurred to me, no matter what the age (this man was in his 40's I believe), men want to prove their manliness. I don't think it's a bad thing at all, on the contrary, I find it HIGHLY amusing. It is so easy to be a chick, someone asks me for help to open something that's stuck, if I can't do it I have no problem saying, man that lid is shut tight, I can't do it. But that is not an option for men in their minds, they will do everything in their power to open that jar, bottle, etcetera because it's a chance for them to show off their MAN qualities.

Another interesting thing is guys and cosmopolitan magazine, and what an effect it has on them. Since I knew it was going to be a long day at work, I pulled out the magazine, because it's still break and I don't have shit to study. WELL...the boys were definitely interested in what I was reading, curiosity was peaked and they were peering and glancing over. It's interesting, guys do not buy cosmopolitan mag, I mean can't blame them the covers are usually pink, purple, or a girly blue, with SEX written in bold letters and the magazine talks to a woman audience, however this doesn't stop them from wanting to read it. Plenty of guys I have dated/guy friends, if given the opportunity will flip through a cosmo issue. Well, this could be put to good use ladies, maybe if you wanna give your man a hint, leave him alone near a cosmo and highlight, circle, or mark the pages/tips you want him to see LOL. I have always wondered, in the guys confessions section, what guys actually write those, are they real? I have my doubts...I got through almost the entire issue today, feb issue is quite good, very informative ;)

Well it's bedtime, until next time....

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Cosmo article appeal

So I'm sitting here, after work doing one of my favorite things, I made tea (english breakfast tea with honey) reading cosmo, annndd listening to michael bublé. Work is going really well! I am making good progress on my project and I have a strong sense of independence now that my boss knows I can produce good results.

Anyway, that's a gist of what I'm up to, now to get to the meat of this post, so as I said I was reading cosmo, last months issue, because I'm a little behind, I came across this excellent article that I just HAVE to share! So the article is called 4 Gutsy Changes to Make in 2010...

1. Be Bad More Often

Now if you know me at all, you know why I like this one. "breaking rules is empowering" YES..YES it is...within a certain limit though of course. Live a little, and I think second semester senior year of college, before we are hurtled into our career paths or *transition right before* is the ideal time to do the damage that needs to be done :) Life is short, do what you want, live with no regrets.

2. Add to Your Crew

Ok this one is a no brainer, but building a social network almost always works in your favor. Plus who doesn't want new friends? Well actually there are some people who are completely happy with the friends they have and have no desire to meet new people, well they are missing out! New friends bring new things into your life, or just spending time with friends you don't spend time with often can too... Think about it, friends influence each other a lot, new friends bring new things to the table, plus if you're bored you have more people to hang out with ;)

3. Unleash Your Alter Ego in the Sack

Ummm YES. That one kind of speaks for itself...

4. Take time to think about NOTHING

Day dreaming is great, according to psychologists it increases creativity, makes sense and it is relaxing. I day dream quite a bit, while at work when I'm waiting in between steps, in class, when the professor is boring *so always during class*, on long car rides, etcetera. but think about it it is calming in the sense that it let's you get away for a while, however cosmo reccomends you do so for an hour, now that seems a bit extreme to me, I mean when do I actually have time to sit and day dream for an hour? I get bored of day dreaming that long. Before bed? maybe, but honestly when it's lights out time during the semester, I am knocked out in 5 minutes.

Cosmo makes some good suggestions about new years resolutions, I find myself mostly agreeing with these. I think the whole idea of new years resolutions is kind of funny but at the same time relaxing and very positive, it's also a time where you get to reevaluate things in your life. I think that's the most important aspect of it, you are forced to look at what you did and what you regret and are able to make a conscious effort to fix yourself, now how long that lasts is up to you isn't it? :) Well that's all, until next time...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

chew on this

Purchasing gum...

I am a pretty decisive person normally, however when it comes to picking a pack of gum, I know I take longer than the average person to decide. There are a myriad of thoughts going through my mind as I look at the plethora of options. I always like sugar free, i mean why consume empty calories, so that's not the issue. The issue is committing to a brand, shape, and flavor. Primarily, flavor, am I in the mood for bubble gum, fruity, or minty? If it's fruity what type of fruity...citrusy, berries, etc? What's made it more complex is the fact that there are now so many options of fruits, trident even has fruity flavor within a fruity flavor!!! If I want minty, well how strong of a mint, what kind of mint *personally I like peppermint, but sometimes i go for spearmint, hardly ever wintergreen*, then what kind of texture do I want? Do I want a chicklet hard shell filled with soft gum? Or do I want something chewy right away? Do I want mint burst peices in my gum *i'm thinking ice breakers* or do I want just smooth chewing? What about company? Should I get orbit, five, wrigleys, trident, etc...? Momentarily I think "ooooo that box looks prettier". And finally after all this debate I have to ask myself, am I willing to chew this flavor until the pack is empty, I mean after all, I'm relying on it to keep me awake and help me focus in class, or to freshen my breath when necessary, I mean I need to be practical here. Finally I do make a decision, but the point I want to make is it is not a clear cut easy decision for me, my synapses fire vigorously during the decision making process. That's all for now. Until next time...

Ps, yay for a second post! ;)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

two new highs

So the funny thing is, I created this blog last year (around this time) with the intention of writing once in a while, well I didn't post at all, typical. Well this year I'm doing better, I'm going to have at least one post, but hopefully more *fingers crossed*.

Winterbreak: much needed relaxation time. Absolutely no stress/studying.

So I have started to do yoga recently, and let me tell you, it is amazing. The amount of flexibility it requires is astonishing, but at the same time, you gain so much flexibility. I have also rekindled my love-hate relationship with running. Right now running and I love each other. Running outside is killing my lungs though, but our treadmill needs lube on the belt, so it's a lot easier to run outside than to run on a machine that skips whenever it wants making me feel like i'm going to die every couple seconds from panic, not to mention my palms get kind of sweaty so i can't count on traction from my palms on the handles to save me. I think what I like the best about running, is the control I can have, the speed at which I run, how long I run, how far I run. I love running to a nice soundtrack, if I have a good playlist, I can keep running forever *well as long as I have my inhaler on me*. It is also a time that enables me to clear my mind completely, and just focus on breathing and movement. There is the obvious endorphin high after a nice long run, and the shower that follows it is amazing :). I look forward to this part of my day, I like to go running at night, when it's relatively quiet out, or early in the morning, less interference that way, more continual flow. The best part of it though, is there is always a new goal to work towards everyday, and there is that inward want to push myself further and further everyday.

I think it's hard to think about your body and the attention it needs during school, well at least for me, because my focus is on studying or partying haha, but I think now that I'm going to stop dancing as often as I used to, it's important to pick up something that I can stick to, yoga and running are two good replacements no? Well that's it for now. I don't want to over do it on my first blog. Until next time...I'll try and write something a bit more interesting.. :P